Predatory journals abuse open access. They arise mainly to collect copyright publishing fees but don't make review process. But decisively don‘t support or develop scientific communication.
Characteristics of predators:
- Aggressive practices, primarily unsolicited e-mails with offer of the publication.
- Free riding on known journals names, very similar and interchangeable name abbreviation.
- Interminate contact information, fictious editorial board.
- Almost no impediments with publication (thesis of low level)
- Defaulting with publication standards, no or fake review process
- Minimal benefit for sharing of scientific knowledge.
- The publisher's uncertain seat.
- Very short time for publishing.
How to know the predators?
- If they indicate the impact factor, they must be kept in the Journal Citation Reports database. Here you can verify the value.
- With the thinkchecksubmit site, you can make sure that the journal you choose is the right one for publishing research results, so it is reputable and reliable.
- You can also look at a presentation with an example of a particular predator journal (Journal of Engineering Technology - web1 and web2).
If you have questions, you suspect predatory journals or if you need advice about the predators, contact or