The University Library currently has more than twenty five thousand e-books from the humanities, social, natural and technical disciplines.

Full texts of e-books are automatically available for all devices (computers, laptops, smartphones, and tablets) in the LIANE network. When working on devices that are out of the LIANE network, you must log in via shibboleth (institutional login in the right column).


About e-books

E-books are the digital equivalent of printed books. It can be read on a computer, e-book readers and electronic devices (tablets, smartphones, etc.). In addition to the universal formats you are used to from PC (PDF, HTML, TXT), you can use special formats, use for e-book readers (MOBI, EPUB, AZW and others).


  • fulltext search
  • hyperlinks
  • adjust text size
  • conversion into audio form
  • Easy backup and storage - millions of e-books fit on medium size stamps
  • making copies
  • availability - no need to return


  • the need for reading devices
  • the need to adjust the resolution to different displays
  • copyright issues
  • format problems (incompatibility, restrictions, inappropriate PDF for small displays, obsolescence, etc.)

E-book readers

E-book readers work with electronic paper and electronic ink technologies. E-paper allows them to keep content free of power. However, unlike regular paper, the content can be changed at will. In addition, e-paper is gentle to the user's eyes, reflecting light just like regular paper. It also makes it easy to read in the sun, etc. Electronic ink complements this technology, offering high contrast and a wide viewing angle.

The most common formats - MOBI / AZW, EPUB, PDF.

Useful software - Google Play Books, Kindle app, FBReader, Foxit PDF Reader, etc. (Android and iOS version), iBooks (iOS).

Read on other devices

On PCs, laptops and other devices (smartphones, tablets ...), compared to readers, it is usually easier to work with content (highlighting, copying, etc.). Their luminous displays, however, are not as comfortable for longer reading. Electronic ink, on the other hand, is less suited to rendering more complex graphics, so it is better to use a conventional display for multimedia ebooks.

The most common formats - PDF, TXT, HTML

Useful software - Caliber, FBReader, Nook, CoolReader.